Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is it wrong to hate this guy?

Never met him, have only read part of one post on his blog, and the "About Pi" section says:

Here, though, the reader may find they have strayed along the wrong path; the easy, flat path bordered by flowers and trees. In fact, to assess the writer of this weblog, to form a picture of the personality behind the words - without the possibility of meeting in a physical sense - and to gain access to this small group of private intellectuals, one must also take into account that the writer - unseen, unheard and pretty much anonymous - may well be spinning a spider’s web of invention. The correct path to take is the dark, stoney one; and this weblog is the beginning of that path, and it is a very long path indeed.

Maybe hate is too strong a word, but there is just something about the way he writes that makes me think that he used to get his ass kicked a lot in high school (or OberGradeSkoolenUnterCollegeSkoolen as it is probably called in German). Besides that I think there is something wrong with a person referring to them self as an intellectual, even if he does use a small i to show that that is the less important part of his personality.

Maybe it is just me, God knows I have a lot of strange ideas (Such as Universal Soldier winning the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1992. Seriously wasn't Universal Soldier a better flick than Silence of the Lambs? anyway I digress), but to me the right to call yourself an intellectual isn't something you get to decide. It's something that society at large decides. At least that's the way I see it.

Now that doesn't mean the guy isn't smart. He probably is but that isn't really the same thing.

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