Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not only does Maria Cantwell hate poor people - she wants you to be poor too.

And therefore Maria Cantwell hates you!!!

At least that is the conclusion I draw from her support of the 1990 Growth Management Act and it's subsequent effect on housing markets in the Puget Sound area.

Last week a study was released detailing the effect of land use regulation on the housing market in the Seattle area. Today via Cato @ Liberty we have a May 2006 study detailing similar effects in the Boston area as well as greater volatility in housing prices and a decrease in employment rates and an increase in Urban flight as people follow departing jobs, these effects are specifically due to increases in housing costs.

So my theory is basically this - by backing a policy that increases housing costs, economic volatility and unemployment Maria Cantwell shows a profound hatred for lower and middle class individuals and families. The fact that she has continued to back these policies despite the negative effects shows that she wants their effects to spread thereby making others poor. Since she hates the poor and wants you to be poor she hates you.

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