Saturday, June 30, 2007

Britain under attack

I didn't really get a chance to write about the attempted car bombings in London yesterday. I was busy at work and then just sick enough when I got home that it just wasn't in me to make the effort. Now I feel like a jerk because I wake up this morning and it appears at this point that an additional attempt may have been made at Glasgow International Airport.

A car on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport, police have confirmed.

Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.


Thomas Conroy, a maintenance worker at the airport believes the men deliberately tried to set the car on fire.

"It looked like they had molotov cocktails with them," he said.

"They sort of burst them round about the flames to make sure the car would go up big style.

"Within minutes it was up and the terminal caught as well."


Taxi driver Ian Crosby said: "This was no accident. This was a deliberate attack on Glasgow Airport."

The reaction of members of the public was not to help the men in the car, but to restrain them, he told the BBC.

Mr Crosby, who said he served in Northern Ireland, told how he shepherded people away from the scene in case of a secondary explosion or a nail-bomb.

Coming a week before the 7/7 anniversary and two days after a new Prime Minister was sworn in I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of an intimidation campaign that is going to last all summer.

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