Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Weird Dreams

I don't think I have ever posted about one of my dreams before, but in the last week I have had a couple doozies:

In the first one a woman at work, (who I think may have been a woman I actually used to work with I am not sure I never really saw her face in my dream just the hair and body and they were similar but not identical)invites me home for dinner. I freely admit I am a mooch so I accept. We get there and it is obviously not the Seattle area, it looks like the area between Billings, MT and Hardin. Anyway all of a sudden she is in one of those head scarves that Palestinian women wear and she, her husband (another weird thing since the woman at work was single) and two kids are speaking Arabic. I don't speak Arabic and I hear them speaking it but I understand it. Kind of like the translations on the news. They are showing me around the house and barbecuing hamburgers, the house by the way is very similar to houses of friends on mine in Montana, when all of a sudden a bunch of Israeli soldiers show up and start harassing the family, doing stuff like handuffing all the cupboards shut, multiple body searches, etc. Finally I yell at the commander in English and he apologizes and they leave. We all head outside to watch them leave and the family dog is suddenly attacked by this real fake looking crocodile that the Israelis chained under the porch, actually it looks like the thing that ate the guy on the golf course in the movie Evolution. That's when my alarm went off.

Anyway I don't know what triggered all that but if my subconscious is trying to tell me something it can't be good.

I will post on dream number too later it isnt as weird but still out of the ordinary.

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