Monday, January 23, 2006

NPR : Kurt Vonnegut Judges Modern Society

NPR : Kurt Vonnegut Judges Modern Society

Today on NPR, Kurt Vonnegut made the statement that Marxism had gotten a bad rap and deserved another look. Given the incredibly bloody history of communism in the world this would seem to be at best ignorant and at worst willfully untrue. Unfortunately this isn't the first time, as this article shows. Mr. Vonnegut is obviously a skilled writer an intelligent person and he uses his talent to obsfucate the issues surrounding the adoption of Marxism as basis for governing. It is disgusting to say the least.

Michael Medved did a segment on his show about this and he addressed it better than I can, just remember 20,000,000 dead in Russia and 70,000,000 in China in the name of Marx.

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